Monday, May 3, 2010

Cell phone tricks

With a free unlock code for mobile phones and added many mobile phones tips and tricks.

Tip 1
For users of the Nokia N-Gage: - You can install. SIS files directly from your mobile phone simply by using a cable with your mobile phone. Just do the following
Connect the cable to the introduction of private mobile phone. SIS file somewhere (MMC) and not all folders, and then unplug the cable and they seek it in File Manager. You can find it there

Board 2
By checking the task manager on a regular basis which can be accessed by holding down the menu button, you can save the battery and the memory used by the mobile telephone system and make your mobile smoothly.You to develop application code open mobile phones in the comments section

Tip 3
It is recommended to support the Bluetooth off, or mobile phone to view hidden This will avoid the "blue" jacked. You can verify this by looking at the blue tooth device mobile phone when you're in a public place to say in a park or playground or shopping center.
Tip 6
You can save memory when you install the applications with Bluetooth. This is done using a Bluetooth link your Nokia phone constantly. This trick works SIS files are the only village

Tip 4
In the study of images in your mobile phone, but here are a few shortcuts.
5 - Zoom.
0 - limit.
* - Keys to fill the screen
1 - clockwise rotate the image.
3 - the image in clockwise rotation.

Add code to open lines of mobile phones for the first post

Tip 5
And supports the following image formats:
JPG UPF GIF87a/89a MBM TIFF WBMB Papua New Guinea type (F / larger

Tip 6
You can record the entire conversation by phone (sound) recording.
Go to the Mano - out for - record - record audio options - Clip.
Note: short beeps and audio while recording the call.
There are some programs to do so.

Tip 7
When writing text,
Haas, press "#" to switch between uppercase and lowercase
Press and hold the '#' to switch between alpha and number.

Tip 8
If you are in standby mode, and you want to verify the names.
Press center shifted the main (joystick), it takes you directly to the contacts.

Tip 9
Most of us now use cell phones instead of once around the clock. If you activate the lock, and then simply press the on / off button on your cell phone to run your lighting to look at when it's dark without having to open the keyboard.

Tip 10
You can turn off your GPRS from Keep the red button hang up the pressure.
Tip 11
You can switch between phone lines by maintaining a hash "#" button.

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